Migrating Databases from PlanetScale to Turso


3 min read

Migrating Databases from PlanetScale to Turso

Comprehensive Guide: Migrating Databases from PlanetScale to Turso

As developers, adapting to new tools and environments is a natural part of how we work. This adaptability is crucial when external factors, such as service changes, necessitate a shift in our database solutions. One such instance is the discontinuation of PlanetScale's hobby plan, prompting a search for new database homes. Fortunately, the journey from one database system to another doesn't have to be arduous.

This tutorial will guide you through a straightforward process to migrate your MySQL database to Turso, utilizing a few key tools to make the transition smooth and efficient. Let's dive into how this can be achieved in just a few steps.

Preparation and Export from PlanetScale

1. Install and Login to PlanetScale CLI

  • Purpose: To export your database from PlanetScale.

  • Action:

      pscale auth login

    This command opens a browser for login.

2. Export Database from PlanetScale

  • Purpose: To obtain SQL dump files containing your database's schema and data.

  • Action:

      pscale db dump your_database_name branch_name
      cd path/to/dump

Setup MySQL for Intermediate Processing

3. Ensure MySQL Service is Running

  • Purpose: MySQL serves as an intermediate step for preparing your data.

  • Action: Ensure MySQL is installed and running. Authenticate with:

      mysql -u root

4. Create a New MySQL Database

  • Purpose: To consolidate your exported data.

  • Action:

      CREATE DATABASE your_new_database;

5. Import Dump Files into MySQL

  • Purpose: To prepare a single consolidated SQL file for conversion.

  • Action:

      mysql -u root -p your_new_database < dump_file.sql

Modify MySQL Dump for SQLite Compatibility

6. Modify the Combined MySQL Dump File

  • Purpose: To ensure compatibility with SQLite.

  • Action: Combine schema and data SQL files into combined_mysql_dump.sql. Then:

    • Replace datetime(3) with DATETIME

    • Replace current_timestamp(3) with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

    • Save the modified file.

Convert MySQL to SQLite

7. Setup mysql2sqlite

  • Purpose: Facilitates the conversion to a SQLite compatible format.

  • Action:

      chmod +x mysql2sqlite

8. Convert and Create SQLite Database

  • Purpose: To convert the MySQL dump for Turso.

  • Action:

      ./mysql2sqlite combined_mysql_dump.sql | sqlite3 new_database.db

Importing into Turso

9. Import SQLite Database into Turso

  • Purpose: To complete the migration.

  • Action:

      turso db create your_turso_database_name --from-file path/to/your_sqlite.db

Verification and Cleanup

10. Verify Data Integrity in Turso

  • Purpose: To ensure successful migration.

  • Action: Use Turso's tools or SQL commands to inspect the imported data.

11. Cleanup

  • Purpose: To maintain a clean environment.

  • Action: Remove any temporary databases and files used during the process.

Key Considerations

  • Always keep backups before starting the migration process.

  • Review modifications to prevent unintended alterations.

  • Test the modified dump in MySQL and SQLite before the final migration.